Shakespearean Baby Names

Hello, Congratulations!! we wish you and your newly born baby with good health, love, prosperity and happiness.

If you are looking for cute & best Shakespearean names for your baby girl / boy then you have reached at a right place to find a appropriate name for her / him. We are having the list of unique and most popular (traditional as well as modern) Shakespearean baby names (boy girl names) with meanings & origin that is definitely going to assist you to select a perfect one.

Shakespearean Names and Meanings & Origin (Boy & Girl Names List)

Here you can find list of top, unique and popular Shakespearean Names with meanings & origin (List of Boy & Girl Names).
Name M/F Meaning
Aaron Boy Name Aaron In American meaning is : Exalted one
Abraham Boy Name Abraham In American meaning is : Father of a multitude
Adriana Girl Name Adriana In American meaning is : Dark; from Hadria
Aemilia Girl Name Aemilia In latin meaning is : The feminine form of the Roman clan name Aemilius
Balthasar Boy Name Balthasar In greek meaning is : God save the king.
Balthazar Boy Name Balthazar In greek meaning is : God save the king.
Beatrice Girl Name Beatrice In latin meaning is : Bringer of joy
Bianca Girl Name Bianca In American meaning is : White
Caius Boy Name Caius In english meaning is : A variant of Gaius; which is a more common form of the name in Britain. Famous bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is named after its founder
Camillo Boy Name Camillo In latin meaning is : Free-born child; noble. Masculine of Camille
Cassandra Girl Name Cassandra In American meaning is : Prophet of Doom
Ceres Girl Name Ceres In greek meaning is : Another name for Demeter.
Deiphobus Boy Name Deiphobus In greek meaning is : A son of Priam.
Demetrius Boy Name Demetrius In American meaning is : Of the earth
Desdemona Girl Name Desdemona In greek meaning is : Misery; unlucky; Wretchedness Famous bearer: Desdemona was the heroine of Shakespeare's play 'Othello'.
Diana Girl Name Diana In American meaning is : Divine
Edgar Boy Name Edgar In American meaning is : Lucky spearman; wealthy spearman
Edmund Boy Name Edmund In American meaning is : Prosperous protector
Emilia Girl Name Emilia In American meaning is : Industrious
Fabian Boy Name Fabian In American meaning is : Bean grower
Fenton Boy Name Fenton In british meaning is : Marshland dweller
Francisca Girl Name Francisca In dutch meaning is : Free
Gallus Boy Name Gallus In Polish meaning is : Rooster, From Gaul
Gonzalo Boy Name Gonzalo In spanish meaning is : Wolf.
Gertrude Girl Name Gertrude The Name Was Used By Shakespeare In His Play 'Hamlet' (1600) For The Mother Of The Title Character.
Hector Boy Name Hector In American meaning is : Steadfast
Helenus Boy Name Helenus In greek meaning is : Son of Priam.
Helen Girl Name Helen Light, Torch, Bright, Beautiful, Shining, Moon, Nymph, Mercy, Courage
Helena Girl Name Helena Light, Torch, Bright, Beautiful, Shining, Moon, Nymph, Mercy, Courage
Imogen Girl Name Imogen In english meaning is : Innocent
Iris Girl Name Iris In American meaning is : Rainbow
Jaques Boy Name Jaques In hebrew meaning is : Supplanter
John Boy Name John God Is Gracious, God Is Merciful
Jessica Girl Name Jessica In American meaning is : He sees, he beholds
Julia Girl Name Julia Name Of A Character In "Two Gentlemen Of Verona".
Katharina Girl Name Katharina In german meaning is : German form of Katherine
Laertes Boy Name Laertes In greek meaning is : Father of Odysseus.
Lartius Boy Name Lartius In latin meaning is : A hero who saved Rome
Lavinia Girl Name Lavinia In latin meaning is : In classical mythology; Lavinia was the daughter of King Latinus and the wife of Trojan hero Aeneas; who named the city Lavinium in her honour; Women of Rome.
Luce Girl Name Luce In latin meaning is : Light
Macbeth Boy Name Macbeth In scottish meaning is : Son of Beth
Macduff Boy Name Macduff In scottish meaning is : Son of the blackman
Margaret Girl Name Margaret In American meaning is : Pearl
Maria Girl Name Maria 'Love's Labours Lost' A Lady Attending On The Princess Of France. 'Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Olivia's Waiting Woman.
Nathaniel Boy Name Nathaniel Gift of God
Nestor Boy Name Nestor In greek meaning is : Wisdom; Traveler, Voyager.
Nerissa Girl Name Nerissa In latin meaning is : Daughter of the sea
Oberon Boy Name Oberon In french meaning is : Elf ruler.
Octavius Boy Name Octavius In latin meaning is : Born eighth. Octavius was a Roman clan name; as well as the original name of Emperor Augustus (commonly known as Octavian). Traditionally; this name was given to the eighth child
Octavia Girl Name Octavia Character In Shakespeare's Play "Antony And Cleopatra"
Olivia Girl Name Olivia Name Of A Much-wooed Aristocrat In His Play "Twelfth Night" (1599)
Pandarus Boy Name Pandarus In greek meaning is : Killed for breaking a truce.
Paris Boy Name Paris In American meaning is : From Paris, the city
Patience Girl Name Patience In American meaning is : To endure
Paulina Girl Name Paulina In American meaning is : Small
Quintus Boy Name Quintus In latin meaning is : Born fifth; Fifth.
Reynaldo Boy Name Reynaldo In spanish meaning is : Counselor-ruler.
Robin Boy Name Robin In American meaning is : Bright fame
Regan Girl Name Regan Regan Is One Of King Lear's Daughters
Sampson Boy Name Sampson In hebrew meaning is : Variant of Samson: Sun child; bright sun
Sebastian Boy Name Sebastian In American meaning is : Man from Sebaste, which was a city in Asia
Silvia Girl Name Silvia Heroine's Name In "Two Gentlemen Of Verona"
Taurus Boy Name Taurus In latin meaning is : Bull-like. Refers to the saint Taurinus. Taurus is a constellation picturing the forequarters of a bull and is second sign in the astrological Zodiac
Thersites Boy Name Thersites In greek meaning is : Soldier in the Trojan War.
Timandra Girl Name Timandra In greek meaning is : Daughter of hero Tyndareus.
Titania Girl Name Titania In greek meaning is : Giant.
Ulysses Boy Name Ulysses In American meaning is : Wrathful
Ursula Girl Name Ursula In American meaning is : Little female bear
Valentine Boy Name Valentine In American meaning is : Strong
Vernon Boy Name Vernon In American meaning is : Youthful
Valeria Girl Name Valeria Name Of A Character In Shakespeare's "Coriolanus."
Viola Girl Name Viola Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Sister Of Sebastian
William Boy Name William In american meaning is : Will helmet
We are regularly updating our list of top and most popular names. We assume, you will find our collection of Shakespearean names as cool and unique.