Umm kulthum Name Meaning

Is your name Umm kulthum or you just finding the detail? Check out this page for the detailed information about name Umm kulthum. View Umm kulthum Name Meaning, Numerology, Origin, Personality, Rashi / Zodiac / Moon & Famous / Celebrity Baby Name.

We wish a good life ahead to the people bearing the name Umm kulthum.

Umm kulthum Baby Girl Name Meaning Origin

Name :

Umm kulthum

Gender :
Origin :
Meaning of Umm kulthum :
One With Round Face.
Used in Region / Languages :
Variant Names of Umm kulthum:
Variant names of Umm kulthum not updated yet


Names With Similar Sound Like Umm kulthum

Umm kulthum is one of the most loved names. However if you want some other names that sound similar to Umm kulthum, here are some options for names like Umm kulthum:

Names with similar sound like Umm kulthum - not updated yet


Umm kulthum Baby Name Numerology

Numerology Number :
Destiny Number :
Soul Urge Number :
Heart's Desire Number :
Motivation Number :
Personality Number :
Lucky Colors :
Green: Green is a color associated with growth, balance, and harmony. It resonates well with the compassionate and nurturing nature.

Yellow: Yellow is a color that represents optimism, creativity, and intellectual energy. It aligns with the positive and idealistic qualities.

Red: Red is associated with passion, energy, and strength. It reflects the dynamic and charismatic nature.
Lucky Days :
Thursday: Thursday is traditionally associated with the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is linked to expansion, wisdom, and spirituality.
Lucky Stones :
Amethyst: Amethyst is associated with spiritual awareness, intuition, and balance. It is believed to enhance the spiritual and intuitive aspects.

Bloodstone: Bloodstone is associated with courage, healing, and vitality. It is believed to bring courage and vitality.

Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is associated with wisdom, truth, and spiritual awareness. It is believed to support spiritual exploration and enhance the wisdom.
Best Professions / Career :
Humanitarian Work, Counselor or Therapist, Artist or Creative Professional, Spiritual Leader, Teacher or Educator, Healer or Alternative Therapist, Philosopher or Thinker, Environmental Activist
Health Issues :
Emotional health challenges, Immune system vulnerabilities, Burnout, Respiratory issues, Digestive issues, Mental health challenges, Cardiovascular issues


Personality Traits of Umm kulthum as per Numerology

Numerology, the ancient practice of assigning numerical values to letters and deriving meaning from those numbers, is believed by many to offer insights into one's personality traits and life path.

Baby name "Umm kulthum" is having the life path number 9 and numerology chart is believed to exhibit the following personality traits:

Compassion: Compassion is a key trait. Those with the life path number 9 are often deeply empathetic and feel a strong sense of compassion for others.

Humanitarianism: A strong inclination toward humanitarian causes is common. Individuals may be drawn to charitable work and social causes that aim to improve the well-being of humanity.

Idealism: Idealism is often associated with the number 9. Individuals may have a vision for a better world and work towards creating positive changes.

Generosity: Generosity is a common trait. People with the number 9 may be generous with their time, resources, and support.

Altruism: Altruism is often present. Individuals may prioritize the needs of others and may be willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good.

Spiritual Awareness: A strong spiritual awareness is associated with the number 9. Individuals may have a deep interest in spiritual practices, meditation, and a quest for higher knowledge.

Global Perspective: Those with the life path number 9 often have a broad and global perspective. They may be interested in different cultures and have a cosmopolitan outlook.

Counseling and Healing: Counseling and healing abilities are common. Individuals may have a natural inclination to support and guide others through challenges.

Charisma: Charisma is often a trait associated with the number 9. Individuals may have a magnetic presence and the ability to inspire and uplift others.

Completion and Transformation: The number 9 is often associated with completion and transformation. Individuals may experience significant changes and transitions in their lives.


Umm kulthum Name Analysis of Each Letter

In every name, each letters have specific meanings that describe the nature of the Umm kulthum name. Below is the detail, each letter of name Umm kulthum described.

U : The letter "U" suggests a personality marked by creativity, communication, and optimism. Individuals often express themselves with charm, enthusiasm, and a playful spirit in various aspects of life.

M : The letter "M" reflects a practical and hardworking personality. Individuals often exhibit discipline, reliability, and a strong sense of responsibility in their endeavors.

K : The letter "K" signifies a cooperative and balanced personality. Individuals often exhibit diplomacy, sensitivity, and a harmonious approach in their relationships.

L : The letter "L" suggests a personality marked by creativity, communication, and optimism. Individuals often express themselves with charm, enthusiasm, and a playful spirit in various aspects of life.

T : The letter "T" signifies a cooperative and balanced personality. Individuals often exhibit diplomacy, sensitivity, and a harmonious approach in their relationships.

H : The letter "H" reflects a personality known for ambition, leadership, and financial acumen. Individuals often demonstrate a strong sense of authority, discipline, and a drive for material success.


Umm kulthum Name Vedic Astrology Aspect

As per vedic astrology system, the name "Umm kulthum" belongs to (वृषभ) Vrishabha Rashi. The name "Umm kulthum" associated with Moon sign / Zodiac is Taurus.

Ruling Planet for the name "Umm kulthum" is Venus. The name "Umm kulthum" belong to Earth element. The name "Umm kulthum" having moon sign as Taurus is represented by The Bull and considered as Fixed.

Vrishabha Rashi Positive Qualities : Hard Working, Self Motivated, Creative, Passionate, Determined, Intelligent, Self Disciplined, Patient, Reliable and Loving
Vrishabha Rashi Negative Qualities : Jealous, Possessive, Resentful, Rigid, Conservative, Inflexible and Greedy

Other name options, having Vrishabha rashi are the name starting with : Ba, Bi, Bo, Br, Bu, Va, Vi, Vu, Ve, Vo, Wa, We, Wo, Wu, Wr, U, Ur, Vr, Vy (वृषभ - Hindi / Sanskrit / Devanagari Pronunciation ब, व, उ).

Click here to check personality of Vrishabha Rashi / Moon Sign

Click here to check personality of Taurus Zodiac Sign


Umm kulthum Name Nakshatra Aspect in Vedic Astrology

The baby name "Umm kulthum" belong to (कृत्तिका) Krittika nakshatra. Followings are the facts related Umm kulthum's Krittika nakshatra

Gender : Female
Translation : The Cutter
Symbol : Razor, Axe, or Flame
Animal Symbol : Female Sheep
Presiding Deity : Agni - the God of Fire
Ruling Lord : Sun
Nature : Rakshasa (Demon)
Dosha : Kapha
Guna : Rajas
Element : Earth
Disposition : Mixed (both sharp and soft)
Indian / Vedic zodiac: 26°40' Mesha - 10° Vrishabha
Western zodiac: 22° 40' Taurus - 6° Gemini

Other name options, having Krittika nakshatra are the name starting with : A, Aa, E, Ee, I, Oo, U, Ae, Ai (Hindi / Sanskrit / Devanagari Pronunciation अ, ई, उ, ए).

Click here to check personality of Krittika Nakshatra


Common Questions Related to Umm kulthum Name

What is the meaning of Umm kulthum Name?

The Umm kulthum name meaning is "One With Round Face.".

In which region / languages Umm kulthum name is commonly used?

Umm kulthum name is commonly used in Sindhi.

What is the Numerology details of Umm kulthum Name?

The Umm kulthum name numerology details is numerology number : 9, destiny number : 9, soul urge number : 9, heart's desire number : 9, motivation number : 9 and personality number : 9.

What is the Rashi/Zodiac of Umm kulthum Name?

The Umm kulthum name rashi/zodiac is Vrishabha/Taurus (Ba, Bi, Bo, Br, Bu, Va, Vi, Vu, Ve, Vo, Wa, We, Wo, Wu, Wr, U, Ur, Vr, Vy) .

What is the Nakshatra of Umm kulthum Name?

The Umm kulthum name nakshatra is Krittika (A, Aa, E, Ee, I, Oo, U, Ae, Ai) .

How Many Vowels, Consonants, Alphabets, Total Characters & Words in Name Umm kulthum?

Umm kulthum name is containing 3 vowels, 7 consonants, 10 alphabets, 10 total characters and 2 word(s) .