Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra)

Understanding Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) in Vedic Astrology

The Ajna chakra or the Third Eye chakra which is also known as the Brow chakra is the 6th Chakra according to Hindu tradition. The word 'Ajna' in Sanskrit means 'command' or 'summoning'. This chakra is located at the centre of the forehead (at the very top of the spinal cord at the same height space between the eyebrows) and is considered to be the house of wisdom. It governs both the conscious and the subconscious mind and allows you to see what is beyond your physical existence. This chakra is also considered to be the 'seat of the soul' and is the energy centre associated with the spiritual truth. At times when a person is going through the stress of figuring out what is the truth at an absolute or philosophic level it can put strain on this chakra and one might experience pain, abnormalities of hearing, vision and/or psychic phenomenon. It is also the source of our dreams and fantasies including some of the advanced psychic states such as clairvoyance, telepathy, clairaudience and spirit communication. These are considered to be some of the normal functions of this chakra. This is mostly the source of psychological as well as psychic phenomena upheavals.

Vedic Astrology Analysis

Associated Element : Light
Governing Planet : Sun
If Ajna chakra is blocked

Mental problems related to that are: Being overconfident, lack of awareness, overreaction, hypersensitivity, dominating, the wrong judgment
physical problems related to that are: Eyesight, gall bladder, spine, belly, headaches, constipation, blood pleasure, immune system, breast, face, psychic problem, sleep disorder T.B., cough, cold, lack of appetite.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Location

This chakra is located in the stomata, behind the centre of the forehead. Its Ksehtram or superficial activation site is in the eyebrow region at the position of the third eye. Because of its location it is also called the 'third eye' or 'mind center'.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Appearance

This chakra is white in color and has two petals. Inside the pericarp of this chakra is the Shakti Hakini and is depicted with a white moon, six faces and six arms holding a book, a skill, drum and a rosary. It also makes gestures that are associated with granting boons and dispelling fears. There is a downward pointing triangle above her which contains a moon white lingum. In some of the form of this chakra there is the deity, who is a hermaphrodite form of Shiva and Shakti and is known as Ardhanarishvara which symbolises the primordial duality of subject and object, and it resides within the lingum. On top of that triangle there is another smaller triangle which contains the bija mantra Aum.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Seed Mantra

The Bija mantra or the seed mantra for this chakra is the syllable Aum or Pranava Om, the supreme sound.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Petals

This chakra has two white petals which is said to represent the psychic channels Ida and Pingala which meets the central Sushumna nadi before rising to the Crown Chakra Sahasrara. On the left petal is written the letter 'Ham' and it represents Shiva. On the right petal is written 'Ksham' and it represents Shakti. The two petals also represent something very important - the manifest and unmanifest mind and are sometimes said to represent the pineal and pituitary glands.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Function

This is a very important chakra and has many relevant and significant functions. In Sanskrit the name of this chakra translates as a 'command' and is considered to be the eye of intuition and intellect. When you see something in s dream or a mind's eye, it is being seen by Ajna. This is a bridge that helps to link gurus with disciples allowing the mind communication to occur between two people. The mind is the main sense organ and action organ associated with Ajna. According to Hindu belief the spiritual energy enters the body from the environment through this gateway. They protect it with great care and always try to surround it with spiritually positive protecting forces. The Hindus try to denote it with various religious marks on the forehead or both men and women like ash, naman, vermillion, sandalwood paste etc. These signs are considered to be blessed.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Association with the body

This chakra is associated with the third eye which is believed to be in the forehead. It is also sometimes associated with the pineal gland which regulates the circadian rhythm and is related to an actual light sensitive 'third eye' or the parietal eye that is found is some lizards, amphibians and fish. At times it is also associated with the pituitary gland which is considered to be the master of all endocrine glands. The secretion of the pituitary gland controls the sections of all the other glands.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Practices and awakening process

There are several practices that is said to stimulate the Ajna chakra in Kundalini Yoga. Some of them are Trataka or steady gazing, Shambhavi Mudra or gazing at the space between the eyeborws and other forms of Pranayama or breath exercises.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Comparison with other systems

In Tibetan Buddhism this chakra is at the end of the central channel which runs up the body to the top of the head and then over and down and terminates at the forehead. According to Oigong the highest Dantian is located at this position and is one of the three furnaces that converts the different sorts of energy in the body. In the tradition of Lataif-e-sitta there exists a Lataif known as Khafi or arcane subtlety in the same position and is related to mystical intuition. In Kabbalah there are two sephiroth located on the sixth level and are called Chokmah (wisdom) and Binah (understanding) and is located on the left and right side of the face.

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) Other information

Some of the stones and crystals associated with this gland are Lapis, Lazuli, Azurite and Sugilite. The main purpose of this mantra is to generate action of ideas, insight and mind development. It also gives some of the spiritual lessons like understanding, reality check point, detachment and open mind. However it also has some physical dysfunctions like brain tumours, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal dysfunctions, panic and depression. It also helps you to deal with some mental and emotional issues like fear of truth, discipline, judgement, evaluation and emotional intelligence. This chakra is all about insight and visualization. When this chakra is open you will have a good intuition and you may also tend to fantasize. However overactive Ajna might also lead to hallucinations in extreme cases.