3rd House Medical Astrology

Understanding 3rd House Medical Astrology in Vedic Astrology

3rd house represents courage and communication to deal with things. It also represents one alertness and how one takes decisions. It basically signifies judgment capabilities of person. Medically also it depicts various diseases and organs.

This house signifies:-

- Arms: Arms role is to assist us in our day to day work
- Shoulders: Shoulder gives arms enough power and strength.
- Respiratory and Nervous system: Respiratory system is required to get correct amount of oxygen in our body and nervous system role in our body is to pass electric signals to our body and is further controlled by brain and glands.
- Neck: Neck hold Lymph, Larynx and esophagus tube are connected to it which passed food to abdomen.

Generally when this house is in aspect of benefic planets, then one will:-

- Strong arms and shoulders.
- Good respiratory system to take care of oxygen.
- No neck problems.
- Good nervous system

When this house is having shadow of malefic planets then one may suffer from:-

- Respiratory problems like Asthma: There may be problems in breathing episodes and can give more problems in polluted environment.
- Bronchitis: This is also Lung disorder combined with chest pain
- Problems in Lungs: Problems in alveoli's and they may become inflamed leading to many diseases of lungs.
- Shortness of Breath: - Shortness of breath may be due to any other medical problem.
- Neck pain: - Neck pain may be due to wrong postures.
- Pain in shoulders: - which hinders day to day work.
- Carpel Tunnel syndrome etc: - problem relating to fingers, arms, elbows.
- Nerve Problems:- due to that pain, tingle ness in arms
- Pneumonia: - characterized with high fever.

Here remedies will depend upon kind of planet malefic in third house and treating diseases medically by getting proper test and medication on time.

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