Leo Moon Sign (Simha Rashi) in Vedic Astrology

Leo Moon Sign

Meaning, Personality, Characteristics, Traits of Leo Moon Sign (Simha Rashi)

The most masculine sign of the astrology signs is represented by the symbol of Lion (Simha Rashi). As the name suggests you are born with leadership qualities and you tend to be in contact with those who have a firm and wide social standing. You are courageous and you leap into action in order to benefit one-self or others. You like to be noticed by all and you aim high and big.

Moon seems to have positive and negative effects on people whose moon sign is Leo. Moon makes them charming, attractive and with a dynamic personality. They like to help others and this makes them very popular among friends circle. They are good in making judgements too. They believe in the saying "live and let live" and that life must be lived with all the love and enthusiasm. They spread the same message and this makes them much more confident than other signs. Thus, they can easily take up the responsibility with power and bigger role. It just comes naturally to them. On the negative side it can be said that they like being the centre of attraction and they sometimes don't let others have a chance to speak up and take that important role. They like hogging the limelight always. This attitude of theirs might make others feel that they are of dominating nature. They can certainly work on this front.

Leo Moon Sign (Simha Rashi) Lifestyle

Leos are quite confident about what they are doing. They are prepared for the critics that come their way and they will not appreciate much but they know how to ignore them. They like to keep themselves fit and they eat healthy and they inspire many people around them. They also find satisfaction in helping people around them.

Leo Moon Sign Nature & Personality

Leo's represent leadership, strength and bravery. People born under this sign are highly ambitious and they work towards it in full swing. They also like to be the centre of attention and often are the life of a party. They tend to be cordial with almost all types of people. However, criticism is not viewed as how it should be, they are sensitive and touchy. At heart they are soft and they help others and tend to forgive too very soon.

Leo Moon Sign Description & Characteristics

They are honest beings with charismatic personality. They are highly affectionate towards their close ones and they also stand out in expressing themselves and thus often many say that they have a very theatrical mannerism. They always attract attention and they are good at making a good impression on others. However, they must see that they are not overconfident.

Leo Moon Sign Man

Leo Moon Sign Man born is like heroes of a movie as they are muscular, attractive and brave. They are confident when they talk and they show great generosity for others in various occasions. Leo men are ambitious but sometimes they tend to become complacent and then they start losing focus in life. However, they are generally at their best in whatever field they are in. They just need that motivation to kick their inner strength.

Leo Moon Sign Woman

Leo Moon Sign Woman is charming and also very warm people. They show great sense of generosity and devotion in whichever field they are. Having said that they will ensure that they are not taken for granted and will not allow any type of misbehaviour. They also have a classy taste. They seek to make their surroundings comfortable and easy environment. They have a cute gracefulness about them which is topped by intelligence.

Leo Moon Sign (Simha Rashi) Romance

Leos are that mushy romantic people who loves the idea of being in love with someone or falling for someone. They adore the person that they are in love with, this helps in bringing the positive energy in their own life. They love the idea that when they are in love there is no conditions and rules and expectations and this they view the love as being pure and magical and fairy tale types.

Leo Moon Sign Relationship

Leos tend to keep a cordial and peaceful relationship with all around them. As lovers they are passionate and caring person. They bring a lot of energy and excitement as they include adventure in their relationship and create memories with that. As a father Leo ensures to keep a balance between being strict and lenient. They allow the kids to have some sort of limited freedom. They need to know how the children are feeling and they don't want them to hide things from them. Studies are priority for them when it comes to children. As a mother Leos are not pushy and not at all strict. They do care about them but they are not over protective about them. She instead tries to motivate the kids and act as a source of inspiration by giving them many different help they would need. As children Leos are the stubborn and they know exactly what they want. They will not compromise with their ideas and their needs and wants with anything or anyone else. They are the master of their world and they usually are doing well in their area of interest without the help from anyone. They grow up fast and are mature soon and thus very independent in their nature.

Leo Moon Sign (Simha Rashi in Kundali) Facts

Some of facts of Leo moon sign are as follows:

Sanskrit Name: Simha Rashi
Lucky Day: Sunday and Saturday
Lucky Colour: Gold and Orange. While also does them good
Lucky Stone: Diamond, Amber and Ruby
Ruling Planet: Sun