Axinite Gemstone Crystal Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Axinite MineralAxinite Stone

Axinite Crystal / Stone Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Physical Properties of Axinite Stone / Crystal

Chemical Formula: (Ca,Fe,Mg,Mn)3Al2BSi4O15(OH)
Chemical Composition: Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Boron, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Crystal System: Triclinic
Lustre: Vitreous
Transparency: Transparent to nearly opaque
Colour: Translucent lilac brown, green, pale blue, yellowish
Streak: Colorless
Hardness: 6 - 7 on Mohs Scale
Tenacity: Brittle
Cleavage: 2,1
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Density: 3.27 - 3.29
Refractive Index: 1.656 to 1.704

Properties of Axinite Stone / Crystal

Axinite is a very uncommon stone which is considered rare and found only in few countries of the world like USA, Russia, Mexico, Australia and France. The crystals are generally brown in colour and they have a triclinic structure where the crystals occur in very thin pieces often together in groups. However, the colour of Axinite may also be violet, grey, green, blue, and purplish brown and even colourless. The shape of the crystal resonate an axe as such that the name Axinite is derived from the Greek word meaning axe.

Axinite Stone Healing Properties

Axinite brings positive energy into your body and aid you in your physical healing. It boosts your endurance level, overall well-being, strength and vital force. They help in channelizing energy from Mother Gaia through the earth chakra up to the base chakra. Your body is healed both physically and spiritually, and especially cures the problems related to the feet. It is also used as an effective tool in treating disorders related to spinal pain.

Axinite Special Properties, Uses & Benefits

Axinite induces the base and the third eye chakras. Axinite are excellent meditation stones which help you to explore the possibilities of astral travel and assist you to recall of travel 'memories'. It helps in taming a restless mind and expands ones soul consciousness. It assists you in understanding your dreams and interpreting them to truly understanding the significance of your dream. Also, it helps in mending anything that may be going wrong in your life without affecting other things.

Axinite Found in Countries / Locations of World

Axinite gemstones / crystals are found in some of the countries of world are: Afghanistan, Brazil, England, France, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland, Tanzania, USA