Kornerupine Gemstone Crystal Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Kornerupine MineralKornerupine Stone

Kornerupine Crystal / Stone Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Physical Properties of Kornerupine Stone / Crystal

Chemical Formula: (Mg, Fe2+)4(Al, Fe3+)6(SiO4, BO4)5(O, OH)2
Chemical Composition: Sodium, Lithium, Calcium, Magnesium, Titanium, Aluminum, Iron, Silicon, Boron, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine
Crystal System: Orthorhombic - Dipyramidal
Lustre: Vitreous
Transparency: Transparent, Translucent, Opaque
Colour: Colorless, White, Grey, Greenish, Bluish, Brown, Black
Streak: White
Hardness: 6 - 7 on Mohs Scale
Cleavage: Indistinct
Fracture: Brittle - Uneven
Density: 3.3 - 3.34
Refractive Index: 1.674 - 1.684

Properties of Kornerupine Stone / Crystal

Kornerupine is a sporadic gemstone. Its colour ranges from green, colourless, white, pink, yellow or brown. It is transparent to translucent in nature. Its hardness is measured to be about 6-7 on the Mohs scale. It occurs in orthorhombic crystalline structure.

Kornerupine Stone Healing properties

Kornerpurine is a sporadic stone generally found as clear, yellow or brown crystals. The stone can depose the barrier and releases yourself from oppression. If you are fallen prey into a groove then this stone will lead you to correct path and will uproot the problem and will prompt explicit changes in your life. It eases meditation. It develops a wider vision in yourself so that you could analyse and apprehend a situation from every angle and dimension and find the optimum solution likewise. It unravels and answers your unanswered questions about yourself through the medium of your dreams and sudden flashes of remembrance.

Kornerupine Special Properties, Uses & Benefits

It embellishes teaching skills, communication and lucidity. It sooths and regulates emotions. It replenishes lost energy in the body. It enhances one vision and you can see above this worldly scenario. It empowers and reinforces your character explicitly. It calms your inner self and imparts you mental relaxation and releases all your worries. It espouses the apprehension the vitality of piousness in your life which will lead you to live a pure divine heart and soul and consequently a healthy living.

Kornerupine Found in Countries / Locations of World

Kornerupine gemstones / crystals are found in some of the countries of world are: Antarctica, Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Myanmar, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Uganda, USA, Zambia, Zimbabwe