Nizamabad Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Nizamabad District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Nizamabad, India. These Famous temples in Nizamabad district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Nizamabad temples / mandir.

Lord Hanuman of Sarangpur Temple is known among the local devotees as wish fulfilling Lord with a lot of perfection. As per the religious scholars, one of the most significant Upasana deities of Guru Parampara is this particular Lord. This Lord perfectly balances physical and emotional levels of its adherent devotees. According to the religious experts and local legends, Sri Hanuman promises largely this kind of special security to all its devotional and committed followers.

Ramalayalam of Dichpally is known for its religious significance. This shrine was patronized by the rulers of Kakathiya and local people of this village during the medieval period. It has gained popularity in the modern era also because of the patronage by the Nizam rulers and local people. This shrine is popularly known among the devotees and pilgrims for the various types of poojas, homams and yagnas conducted for the happiness and prosperity in personal and professional life to a great extent.

According to the local legends and religious scholars, it is strongly believed that in the ancient times, nine sages lived in this hillock who deeply doing meditation for the positive purpose on this earth. They were very powerful sages and local people used to seek their blessing for a happy and prosperous personal and professional life. On the other hand, this holy spot was called as Navanathapuram which means in the Telugu language as the place of nine sages.

Neelakanteshwara Temple is largely known amongst its adherent devotees and pilgrims for the strict manner of following the Vedic rules and regulations to a great extent in the religious affairs. It is a Lord Shiva temple, where Shiva pooja is performed in a spiritual manner with a lot of perfection. This shrine is well-appointed with vast experienced and well-qualified priests for conducting all types of religious functions and activities.