Mars Planet in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

Mars Planet in Horoscope Importance, Meaning & Benefits in Indian Astrology

Mars Planet Astrology Meaning

Mars is planet of fire, heat and anger. This planet is given due importance in Manglik Dosha. When mars is in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house from Ascendant or from Moon sign Manglik Dosha is formed. This Dosha is regarded as major dosha in Vedic astrology as far as marriage is concerned but there are various planetary combinations in Vedic astrology that can reduced its intensity as well as there are certain exceptions that can nullified Mangal Dosha but unfortunately some pundits use this dosha for money acquisition from persons which are already sad due to this Manglik Dosha. Mars is also giver of vehicle and house and remover of debt but full horoscope had to be studied before reaching any conclusion.

Various attributes related to Mars are as follows:

Direction South
Gemstone Red Coral
Metal Copper
Signification Brother
Gender Male
Zodiac Sign Ruler Aries, Scorpio
Exaltation Capricorn
Mooltrikona Aries
Friendly Signs Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Enemy Signs Mercury
Representation Mars is signified as commander in chief in Vedic astrology

Time of Mars remain in Zodiac Sign

Mars remains for 45 days in Zodiac Sign.

Mars Planet Benefic Effects (Good Effects)

If Mars is benefic in birth chart then it will give benefic results for that house in which it is present probably in its dasa antardasa.

Mars Planet Malefic Effects (Bad Effects)

If Mars is malefic in birth chart then it is bad for one self and for brother to some extent. Negative effects for that house will be seen in one life in which mars is present malefically but overall results for that house will depend upon placement aspects and conjunction of other planets as well.

Mars Planet Diseases

Malefic mars can give you stress, headaches, immunity related problems, frustration, insomnia, blood related problems, but again severity of it will depend upon how much mars is afflicted in horoscope.

Mars Planet Body Part

Mars rules Bone Marrow.

Mars Planet Career

When Mars is beneficially placed then one can try to go in army, police, and investigative agencies, can becomes sports person as well.