Saturn Planet in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

Saturn Planet in Horoscope Importance, Meaning & Benefits in Indian Astrology

Saturn Planet Astrology Meaning

This planet is better known for its Sade Sati and its cruel effects than any other else in Vedic astrology. This is the slowest moving planet as compare to all other planets. This planet generally gives the results after lot of delay and after lot of hard work. Even after working hard it is not permanent that results will come in right way. This planet generally gives fruit after lot of tyranny.

Various attributes related to Saturn are as follows:

Direction West
Gemstone Blue Sapphire
Metal Iron
Signification Servant
Gender Eunuch
Zodiac Sign Ruler Capricorn, Aquarius
Exaltation Libra
Mooltrikona Aquarius
Friendly Signs Mercury, Venus
Enemy Signs Sun, Moon, Mars
Representation Saturn is signified as Servant and old man in Vedic astrology

Time of Saturn remain in Zodiac Sign

Saturn remains for 2 and half years in Zodiac Sign.

Saturn Planet Benefic Effects (Good Effects)

If Saturn is benefic in birth chart then it will give benefic results for that house in which it is present probably in its dasa antardasa.

Saturn Planet Malefic Effects (Bad Effects)

If Saturn is malefic in birth chart then it is bad for one self and older person in family. Negative effects for that house will be seen in one life in which Saturn is present malefically but overall results for that house will depend upon placement aspects and conjunction of other planets as well.

Saturn Planet Diseases

Malefic Saturn can give you nerve problems, Arthritis, joint problems, Nerve problems but again severity of it will depend upon how much Venus is afflicted in horoscope.

Saturn Planet Body Part

Saturn rules Nerves

Saturn Planet Career

When Saturn is beneficially placed then person can try for merchants job, Iron and steel industry Jobs, Mechanical Jobs and Jobs that require large amount of laborious hard work as Saturn in benefic condition make person hard working and devoted to work.