Pasasana Yoga Pose (Noose Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Pasasana (Noose Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

Pasasana is generally known as Noose Pose. The name of this asana is taken from the Sankrit language words, pasha or pasa means "noose", a snare, fetter, cord, bond, tie or trap and asana means posture. In this particular pose, the body largely creates a trap when the practitioner slow and steadily wraps arms just around their legs that are in the squatting position with hands clasped behind their back. The body can be twisted to either side in the practice. It is regarded as a fairly advanced posture. This posture allows your pelvis to directly drop much lower than it normally permits when you are just in the seated position.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

Follow the following steps in order to complete the Pasasana or Noose Pose -

  1. You can initially begin by standing in the Mountain Pose or Tadasana.

  2. Then just bend your knees in order to squat completely.

  3. Do keep the buttocks are very close to your heels.

  4. Your torso should be against your thighs.

  5. Then directly twist your whole body from the belly just towards the right side.

  6. Do extend your left arm by directly bringing its upper portion slowly to the outer side of the right knee.

  7. Then steadily turn your palm down,

  8. Bend your elbow plus wrap your forearm tightly around your right shin.

  9. Then extend your right arm just before directly sweeping it around plus towards the back.

  10. In your right hand, do grab your left wrist.

  11. Turn your head slow and steadily towards the right.

  12. Your shoulder blades fully down the back plus towards each other.

  13. Keep your outer hips firm plus tightly press your heels into the ground.

  14. Do lift the sternum while breathing in.

  15. Do lengthen sternum out at the top of your head

  16. Then twist your body a bit while breathing out.

  17. Do release the twist immediately after around 5 breaths.

  18. Then repeat the same step with the other side of your body.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Anatomical Focus

The anatomical focus of Pasasana or Noose Pose are related to the legs, thighs, hips, waist, back and neck.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Therapeutic Applications

The therapeutic applications of Pasasana or Noose Pose are related to relieving asthma, mild back, neck and shoulder tension, indigestion, menstrual discomfort, flatulence and sciatica.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are several benefits of Pasasana or Noose Pose. Few of them are as follows -

  1. It largely strengthens and stretches the ankles.

  2. It properly stretches the groins, thighs and spine.

  3. It opens the shoulder and chest.

  4. It stimulates the abdominal organs

  5. It improves elimination and digestion more effectively.

  6. It improves body posture

  7. It stretches and strengthens the spine.

  8. It promotes a healthier nervous system.

  9. It relieves the tension in the neck, shoulders and back.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

Those who are having any knee injury and lower-back injury should avoid deep squats in any given situations and circumstances in the yoga sessions and particularly in the Pasasana or Noose Pose. Do avoid deep squats too.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Beginner's Tip

The beginners should properly learn the steps of squatting from your yoga instructors. In the position of squatting, do twist the body as much as possible only. The beginners are advised to be in the final position for just few seconds initially.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Variations

The variation in the Pasasana or Noose Pose can be performed by standing in the Tadasana or Mountain pose. Do make sure that you are standing nearly a forearm's away distance from the wall. Then bend your knees so that you are able to squat completely. Do sit on your heels with buttocks touching it. Then swing your knees a little towards the left side. Do turn your torso just towards the right by breathing out. Use the support of the wall by tightly pressing with both hands. Then follow the usual steps of Pasasana or Noose Pose in order to complete the asana or posture.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Modifications and Props

In case, if you are really finding it difficult to properly squat on the floor then you can place a solid sandbag or folded blanket just below your heels. They can practice the art of perfect squatting with regular practice with their personal yoga instructor. Take the help of your personal yoga instructor to understand different types of props that can be used in this asana or posture. Do understand the modifications that can be created in this particular asana for safe and secure indulgence with a lot of perfection. Never use heavy weight or sharp props because it may hurt you in certain situations and circumstances during the practice session. Do feel safe in using apt props in this asana.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Partnering

It is to be remembered that a partner can really assist in deepening the twist. It is highly advised to squat just near a wall. Do make your partner stand nearby you when you are indulging in the asana or posture. The partner can assist in pulling and pushing you as per the required steps of the pose in order to complete it. A partner is the best judge to correct when a person goes wrong and encourage when things are performed in the right manner. It also gives a feel of comfort for indulging in the asana with a lot of perfection to a great extent.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Preparatory Poses

The preparatory poses of Pasasana or Noose Pose are Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord Of The Fish Pose, Baddha Konasana or Cobbler Pose, Balasana or Child Pose, Bharadvajasana or Bharadvaja's Twist, Gomukhasana or Cow face Pose, Malasana or Garland Pose, Marichyasana I and III or Sage Pose I & III, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana or Revolved Side Angle Pose, Supta Baddha Konasana or Reclined Bound Angle Pose, Supta Padangusthasana or Reclining Big Toe Pose and Hero Pose or Virasana. These asanas make you feel perfectly warmed up for indulging in Pasasana or Noose Pose.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Follow up Poses

The follow up poses of Pasasana or Noose Pose are Half Lord of the Fishes Pose or Ardha Matsyendrasana and Marichyasana III. These asanas make you feel fresh after performing the Pasasana or Noose Pose particularly.

Pasasana (Noose Pose) Deepen the Pose

In order to increase the twist in the Pasasana or Noose Pose do use the bottom arm to pull slowly down on the top arm. The regular and beginner practitioners are highly advised to take the assistance of their personal yoga instructor in deepening the posture of this particular asana or posture. You should never indulge in haste for performing the deepening of this posture in any situations and circumstances as there are chances of injuring yourself. Do practice in the presence of your partner or yoga instructor only.