Gemini Air Sign: Meaning Dates Personality Traits

Gemini Air Sign: Zodiac Meaning Dates Personality Traits Compatibility

Gemini are born under Air sign element. The third sign of the zodiac, people born under this influence are quick witted and fast on their feet. Considered very good sign, it is controlled by the planet mercury, the emissary from Greek mythology, that always in some kind of task. Communication has always been an important issue for Gemini. It is a symbol that always has to swing energy, physical or verbal. Represented by the symbol of twins, people belong to that sign can communicate smartly and for long. It is their eagerness and cleverness that makes them such a hit at the parties and any social events. They are not only good talkers but they also believe to listening others, to learn and to react.

The conversation that comes from Gemini air sign is not always considered an idle chats and sometimes they need an incoming flow of information to feed their intellectual inclinations. In fact, they can examine incessantly for more facts and figures, as for them the more information they process the better. It is significant that the Gemini demonstrate a duality of sorts. Even though they are extremely practical and rational by nature, they are also very imaginative and creative. Sometimes they may found moody and act on simple whims but it does happen very rare.

Often referred Twins, as per their nature is concerned then we would say they are very talkative as they love to communicate, meeting new people and explore different destinations. They really don't believe to become leader or in a profession that encourage them to stay in same place. Their favorite activities include is to unite people with mutual interests. Any occupation that inspire their intellect and offer the possibility of communicating will be very suitable for them. They required variety, change, travel and the exchange of ideas and they have the ability to multi-task. However, they need to be stable, patient and to control their quick thought process.

If you are in relationship with someone then we must say be focused however you can give her lots of fun and love. Air sign Gemini are enthusiastic, fun-loving, and have a sharp intellect. Bit flirting by nature they may spend time with lots of different lovers until they find one that can match their intellect and energy level. To make their self energetic and revive, they needs to experience excitement, versatility, and stimulation to feel fully satisfied. Once they find the perfect match for them they will get settle down.

Gemini's are winners in the art of persuasion, and consider being the best salesman, of themselves as well. The small problem is that they get bored really quickly.

Individuals with Gemini air sign are spontaneous, attractive and sharp. They display mental brilliance and are very quick in their response to situations, which is most often verbal in nature. Gemini's have tendency of acting before thinking and need a lot of stimulation to keep their interest in any specific thing. Some significant facts about this horoscope their lucky day is Wednesday, lucky number is 5,14,23,32, 41, 50 lucky colour is orange, lemon and yellow and Topaz, Emerald and Agate are the few auspicious stones for them.

Gemini Air Sign: Useful Facts & Personality Traits

Gemini Air Sign element has its own personality traits and characteristics. Below are some of the facts:

Birthday Date Range : May 22 - June 21
Sanskrit Name : Mithuna
Symbol : The Twins
Animal Name: Chameleon
Motto : 'I Think'
Ruling Planet : Mercury
Lucky Day : Wednesday
Lucky Gemstone : Topaz, Emerald, Agate
Lucky Colour : Orange, Lemon, Yellow
Lucky Flower : Azaleas and Lilies
Lucky Number : 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50
Positive Qualities : Brilliant, Communicative, Playful, Diplomatic, Enthusiastic, Cheerful and Witty
Negative Qualities : Inconsistent, Nervous, Tense, Lazy, Indecisive

Gemini Air Sign Compatibility

In general zodiac element Air signs are most compatible with other air signs as well as with the fire signs.

Highest Compatibility: Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Aries
Medium Compatibility: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus
Lowest Compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces


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