Taurus Earth Sign: Meaning Dates Personality Traits

Taurus Earth Sign: Zodiac Meaning Dates Personality Traits Compatibility

Taurus are born under Earth sign element. Taurus which means "soil" of the soul is 2nd zodiac sign in astrological chart. This zodiac sign or symbol is the slow moving yet willful and powerful bull. For people who born during April 21 to April 30 their planetary ruler is Venus. Their nature is generally found sensual and passionate. People of that time are pleasure-seeking and hold incredible will-power. Though, these people may blow hot and cold, particularly to bend others for getting things in control. People born under this influence are determined to get whatever they desire of life and grip a great reverence for material wealth. Your birth chart which is also known as Janampatri in Hindi is your guide map for life.

Sometimes this zodiac sign is considered most stubborn so doesn't try to force anything on them, they won't budge as per other instructions but it does happen seldom. Having an appreciation for the finer things in life does make this zodiac a bit materialistic, never ever denying their love of luxury and beauty. If you are born with Taurus earth sign then you need to be able to look at yourself with respect and value what you feel inside.

If you are seeking for career then you don't need to be tensed about as this zodiac is considered a workaholic sign. Generally you won't notice them steaming ahead at break-neck speed, but no doubt they are truly hard workers and get the things done with great passion and willingness. They are very pragmatic and down to earth therefore they can be real assets to any company they serve.

The healthy, fit and fascinating earth sign Taurus person is loved and admired by many, and yet many are afraid of his stubborn tantrums as it includes in their nature. Often accused of being clingy, miserly and possessive, Taurus people value stability and solidarity, and despise change. You are advisable to keep in touch with Astrologer and do the things accordingly.

In their jobs they are steady and dedicated. They are ambitious and will work hard to achieve their goals. Person with Taurus earth sign will not be deterred by the obstacles in their path and will topple them if they block their way. Once they have decided on something they will rarely deviate from their path. They are practical and patient. They love to be rewarded and acknowledged for their contribution and hard work. Their natural ability to lead will make them good leaders and they are dedicated to their job. Their intelligence and creativity will enable them to do well in professions like artists, musicians, dancers, performers, fashion designers, interior designers etc. It is difficult for them to work as subordinates thus they can be good managers, entrepreneurs, ministers, teachers etc. When it comes to love and relationships they are very romantic and passionate. They are the best lovers one can have. They will go to any extent to express their love and take good care of their partners. However jealousy and possessiveness might create problems for them in their relationships. They take time to open up with people but are extremely loyal to their close ones.

Taurus Earth Sign: Useful Facts & Personality Traits

Taurus Earth Sign element has its own personality traits and characteristics. Below are some of the facts:

Birthday Date Range : April 21 - May 21
Sanskrit Name : Rishabha
Symbol : The Bull
Animal Name: Horse
Motto : 'I Have'
Ruling Planet : Venus
Lucky Day : Friday and Monday
Lucky Gemstone : Turquoise
Lucky Colour : Blue and Green
Lucky Flower : Daffodils and Daisies
Lucky Number : 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51
Positive Qualities : Hard Working, Passionate, Determined, Intelligent, Patient and Loving
Negative Qualities : Possessive, Jealous, Rigid, Inflexible and Greedy

Taurus Earth Sign Compatibility

In general zodiac element Earth signs are most compatible with other earth signs as well as with the water signs.

Highest Compatibility: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
Medium Compatibility: Gemini, Leo, Libra
Lowest Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries


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