Leo Fire Sign: Meaning Dates Personality Traits

Leo Fire Sign: Zodiac Meaning Dates Personality Traits Compatibility

People born under this zodiac sign which is the fifth sign in the zodiac calendar, are represented by the mighty lion. Leo are born under Fire sign element. One of the proudest sign Leos are confident, strong and courageous. As we all know lion is the king of jungle in the same way Leos are also the natural leader among all the other horoscope signs. They have strong leadership quality and they do everything possible to ensure that they get to become the leader and if their work is not considered, they will display strong reactions. Moreover, people born under this influence generally very generous, honest, charismatic and warm.

Born under this zodiac sign, you have qualities of leadership, willingness to lead from the top, a generosity of spirit, which encourage you to want to help others develop. You feel high or glad others grow under your guidance. Fire sign Leo man manages to be the center of your attention, your time, and he gets highest level of loyalty and honesty from you. Leo people are considered very strong but quite dominating. If you are able to convince them that he is only your dear then he will shower you with love and romantic gestures that will blow your mind.

This zodiac sign is ruled by sun and like sun, your life is full of energy and enthusiasm. You must have seen tattoos by including a sun with a lion's head or with the zodiac sign itself. Leos always feel happy to help someone. Leo fire sign people are concerned and sensitive about the feeling of others. They have appealing personality and that makes them leader. They are ambitious and determined and do everything to achieve what they want. They are confident, intelligence, courage and charisma and with their strong will power they never deviate from their goals.

By a deep study and research we have tried to bring some important facts about this zodiac sign. The Sanskrit meaning of Leo is Simha which means the Lion. Their planetary ruler is sun as we have mentioned above. Lucky colours are gold, orange, white and Red. People who wish to invest or do any other thing then Sunday would be the best day for them.

Leo fire sign people are born leaders and hardly come across with any problems and if it happens then they manage to overcome. However, they are warm spirited, eager to leap into action and are driven by the desire to be loved and appreciated. People born under this influence are very ambitious, and strive to reach the very top in your chosen field.

People born under this influence really don't want to bother about their career as they can fit themselves anywhere whether its civil services, armed force or they can make their career in politics as well. Apart from, they can go for acting, direction, dancing, event, media and etc.

Leos are adventurous, fun-loving and very energetic. They will choose the person who allows them to take the lead in most things and does not have any silly inhibitions, and does not interfere, in their daily routine.

Leo Fire Sign: Useful Facts & Personality Traits

Leo Fire Sign element has its own personality traits and characteristics. Below are some of the facts:

Birthday Date Range : July 23 - August 21
Sanskrit Name : Simha
Symbol : The Lion
Animal Name: Lion
Motto : 'I Want'
Ruling Planet : Sun
Lucky Day : Sunday
Lucky Gemstone : Diamond, Amber Ruby, Sardonyx
Lucky Colour : Orange, White, Red and Gold
Lucky Flower : Marigold and Daffodils
Lucky Number : 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22
Positive Qualities : Warm Hearted, Generous, Creative, Enthusiastic, Faithful and Loyal
Negative Qualities : Bossy, Intolerant, Dogmatic and Patronizing

Leo Fire Sign Compatibility

In general zodiac element Fire signs are most compatible with other fire signs as well as with the air signs.

Highest Compatibility: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
Medium Compatibility: Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo
Lowest Compatibility: Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn


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