10th House in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

10th House in Horoscope Meaning & Characteristics in Indian Astrology

10th House Vedic Astrology

This houses deals with Govt job, private job, higher posts, career, name, fame, recognition, credit, job promotions, permanency in job etc.

10th House Benefic Effects

If this house is benefic, then person will have better job, better career prospects, better job promotions, Name, fame, recognition of work, chances of Govt Job but Sun position also had to be noted before reaching any conclusion. How much will depend upon strength of benefic planets operating in birth chart.

10th House Malefic Effects

If this house is in malefic state, then one job will be difficult to get, or chances of getting government jobs can be decreased. It will be difficult to work in current job or there can be lot of pressures in job. All this effects can come but again this severity had to be judged by studying tenth house of Vedic horoscope.

10th House Remedies

As far as remedies are concerned, that will depend upon how much malefic Tenth house is in Vedic birth chart. If there are more malefic planets operating in Tenth house then more remedies will require in order to strengthen the tenth house that can be donation, homam, or Puja etc in order to diminish some negative effect of planets operating in birth chart.

Tenth House Results

Results of tenth house will depend upon what is the position of tenth house in birth chart. If planets are beautifully placed in birth chart then person will be worry free as far as career point of view is concerned. One will be satisfied with job promotions or chances will be there to get job promotions, one can also aim for Government job so it all depends upon potential of birth chart.

10th House Timing of Results

Timing depends upon potential of birth chart and transit chart and Dasa and antardasa had to be studied in synchronization with transit chart to know possible timing.