8th House in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

8th House in Horoscope Meaning & Characteristics in Indian Astrology

8th House Vedic Astrology

This house signifies major challenges as well as disgrace, disappointment, dejection, sorrow, delays, theft, suicide, fire, accident, losses or obstruction etc. So this house mostly signifies day to day problems that we faced in our daily life.

8th House Benefic results

If this house is benefic instead of getting any benefic result, one will get relived from these problems, how much will depend upon what planets are casting their impact upon eight house and by what magnitude, benefic effects would be that important projects and work will be get completed in time but again before reaching any conclusion one had to see other dosa and complete study of horoscope in order to carve predictions.

8th House Malefic Effects

If this house is in malefic state, then one will work hard then also its work is not completed on time. There will be lot of hurdles; delays in work that can lead to disappointment anger and frustration within himself.

8th House Remedies

As far as remedies are concerned for eight houses that will depend upon which negative planets are there and how much strong they are in malefic terms. For ex- Mars malefically placed in Eighth house will not be good for driving vehicles or there can be obstruction in some other important work so remedies will be prescribed for Mars and for other planets which are casting negative influence on eighth house.

Eight House Results

Results for this house whether good or bad will depends upon placement aspect and conjunction of the planets related to this house and whether they are benefic or malefic If functional benefic planets are placed then results will be good and if planets are in malefic state then house can be strengthened by remedies but again as stated there are other dosas like Kaal Sarp Dosha had to be studied before reaching any conclusion.

8th House Timing of results

Here again individual birth chart had to be studied along with transit chart and dasa-anatardasa operating at particular period of time.