4th House in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

4th House in Horoscope Meaning & Characteristics in Indian Astrology

4th House Vedic Astrology

This house represents Mother, native place, wells, ponds, lakes, ancestral house, academic education, hidden treasure, Vehicles, private life, secret affairs etc. This house signifies a lot about this areas.

4th House Benefic Results

If this house is favorable, one will have good chances of acquiring house or vehicles at particular time provided Mars position is also strong as Mars ruled landed property and vehicle. One private life will be harmonious. Academic education will be good. Health of mother will be good according to one birth chart.

4th House Malefic Results

If this house is not strong enough, then person family life may have certain problems, one academic education may suffer, there may be losses of vehicle or buying house or vehicle will be a tough preposition. One mother may have some ailments. Domestic harmony will be difficult to come by. One will l had to work hard to get life back on track.

4th House Remedies

As far as remedies are concerned for fourth house that will depend upon which planets are there and whether they are benefic or malefic in house and how much strong they are in malefic terms. For ex- Mars malefically placed in fourth house will not be good for landed property, vehicle, family life so remedies will be prescribed for Mars and for other planets which are casting there negative influence on fourth house.

Fourth House Results

Kind of results for this house whether benefic or malefic will depends upon placement aspect and conjunction of the planets related to this house and whether they are benefic or malefic. If functional benefic planets are placed then results will be good if they are in neutral state chances can be increased by remedies so that negative planets can be pacified by group of remedies.

4th House Timing of Results

Here again individual birth chart had to be studied along with transit chart and dasa -anatardasa operating at particular period of time.

For specific prediction related to yogas as per your horoscope, you should order Yoga Analysis Astrology Report.