2nd House in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

2nd House in Horoscope Meaning & Characteristics in Indian Astrology

2nd House Vedic Astrology

This house governs stocks, shares, memory, Material achievements, Gains, Jewelry, Security, resources, Nose, Tongue, Teeth, Money making, Precious Gems etc. For analysis of whether person will be good or bad in what kind of investments, at what time person should invest in safer or risky instruments, how much potential is there in terms of money making through investments in this instrument is studied by looking second house. An individual sharp concentration power or whether person will be materialistic or aiming higher will also be studied by this house.

2nd House Benefic Results

Generally if this house is strong enough then person can go in for safer or risky instruments to invest there money. Person will enjoy materialistic comforts, Chances of gain in shares and stocks. Gain of ornaments, jewelry etc. Sharp mindedness are the good traits that person can bounce upon.

2nd House Malefic Effects

If this house is not so strong or it have 50 -50 potential then person should skip risky instruments and should concentrate on only safer instruments to park their money. Person can be timid and there may be concentration problems. Money will be hard to come by.

2nd House Remedies

Here as far as remedies are concerned for this house that will depend upon which planets are there and whether they are benefic or malefic in house and how much strong they are in malefic terms. For ex- Sun malefically placed in second house will be an hindrance to succeed in money terms so remedies will be prescribed for sun and for other planets which are casting there negative influence on second house.

Second House Results

Kind of results for this house whether benefic or malefic will depends upon placement aspect and conjunction of the planets related to this house and whether they are benefic or malefic.

2nd House Timing of Results

Here again individual birth chart had to be studied along with transit chart and dasa -anatardasa operating at particular period of time.