1st House in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

1st House in Horoscope Meaning & Characteristics in Indian Astrology

1st House Vedic Astrology

This we can also summarized as ascendant house as churning of houses starts from here in Vedic astrology. This is the most important house and it holds very important place from astrology point of view. This house represents Physical attributes, shape and complexion of individual. It also represents Zest, Zeal and honor of individual. This house represents upper part of face. It also represents vigor, vitality, stamina of individual. To get the idea of physical traits and general behavior of person this house is studied for further analysis of an individual.

1st House Benefic Effects

Generally if this house is strong due to functional benefic of planet, then person will have courage and stamina to do things; will have strong personality that can overcome difficult time in life with his courageous attitude. For ex- Benefic Jupiter in this house will make person belief in himself, spiritual and religious attitude that not only create the way for himself but can also guide others.

1st House Malefic Results

Similarly if this house is weak due to functional malefic planets operating in this house then person will find himself weak in taking effective decisions at right point of time.

1st House Remedies

Here as far as remedies are concerned for this house that will depend upon which planets are there and whether they are benefic or malefic in house and how much strong they are in malefic terms.

First House Results

Kind of results for this house whether benefic or malefic will depends upon placement aspect and conjunction of the planets related to this house and whether they are benefic or malefic.

1st House Timing of Results

Here again individual birth chart had to be studied along with transit chart and dasa-anatardasa operating at particular period of time.