Bhagya Yoga in Birth Chart in Astrology

Meaning & Effects of Bhagya Yoga in Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Bhagya in English means "Luck". Thus this yoga is all about Luck. One who had good luck can outclass others even without hard work and dedication. So how this yoga forms in astrology.

When Benefic planet is placed in Lagna and 3rd or 5th house lord aspecting 9th house in the birth chart then this yoga forms in one birth chart.
Coming to the technical thing if we consider this yoga from 5th house, then only Jupiter can give aspect to 9th house by its 5th aspect to 9th house.

Thus Jupiter plays main role in this Bhagya yoga. Jupiter is the planet of Wisdom, happiness, spirituality, luck and when all this things are placed beneficially then one bhagya (luck) will be good.

1st house stands for life, overall growth and vision about life.
3rd house stands for communication.
5th house stands for higher education.
9th house stands for luck.

Thus in this case one vision to life (1st house) will be optimistic and one create chances for himself by effective communication (3rd house) and higher education (5th house) in which luck (9th house) will also plays an important role. In this way his life becomes beautiful.

Thus it can be seen that how combination of houses and planets make auspicious yoga.

Yogas and Doshas in Vedic Astrology