Parvata Yoga in Birth Chart in Astrology

Meaning & Effects of Parvata Yoga in Vedic Astrology Horoscope

When benefic occupies Kendra's and 6th and 8th houses are empty or occupied by benefic only then parvata yoga tends to form in horoscope.

Kendra house are 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house. These houses are pillars of the birth chart. If these houses are joined by benefic then birth chart will be strengthen drastically.

Apart from that if 6th and 8th houses (bad houses) are empty or occupied by benefic then picture will be made more colorful.

For ex- Jupiter, Moon is in Aries ascendant, Mercury and Venus in Libra will produce parvata yoga. In this case:-

- One will be optimistic and happier.
- One will be lucky and spiritual.
- One will be affectionate, loving and caring.
- One married life will be happier.
- One will be sharp in communication skills.
- One will be mentally strong and creative intelligence will be quite brighter.

Thus it can be seen that how placement of planets in particular house can enrich the qualities of that house but if malefic planets aspects on this Kendra house, results will be quite different.

Yogas and Doshas in Vedic Astrology