Dhwaja Yoga in Birth Chart in Astrology

Meaning & Effects of Dhwaja Yoga in Vedic Astrology Horoscope

When all benefic are placed in ascendant and malefic s are placed in 8th house then dhwaja yoga forms. As far as result matters are concerned, it can only be analyzed by looking out birth chart.

In this case kaal sarp yoga will also forms and we had to exclude rahu and ketu in that as if rahu is in 1st house then ketu will be in 7th house.

Coming to the point, if ascendant planets are full of benefics one will surely progress in life but we should also not forget about 8th house. As 8th house is tic house, it will give bad results which will hinder the progress of the native.

As far as fructification of results are concerned, for 8th house it will be applicable when malefic planets of 8th house dasa-antardasa comes and for ascendant, when ascendant related planets dasa-antardasa comes. Results will be mixed of good and bad in native life if one planet is of ascendant and other one will be of 8th house in dasa-antardasa.

Yogas and Doshas in Vedic Astrology