Eka Putra Yoga in Birth Chart in Astrology

Meaning & Effects of Eka Putra Yoga in Vedic Astrology Horoscope

When 5th house lord is in quadrants (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th house) or in trines(1st, 5th, 9th house) then ekputra yoga sets to get formed.

Under this person will have one son but in actual practice we had to look other things as well. If 5th house lord is in debilitation then native will have problem relating to children. On the other hand if 7th and 9th houses are strong enough, person will have many children as well.

5th house stands for 1st child, 7th for 2nd child and 9th house for 3rd child.

Thus if this houses are in stronger condition then chances of child will be stronger.

Strength of Eka Putra yoga

Strength of this yoga lies in the fact that if this planets and houses receive malefic aspects then benefic results will be less visible.

Manifestation of Eka Putra yoga

As far as fructification of results is concerned, that will be visible particularly when 5th house related planets dasa-antardasa comes. Minor effects can also be seen when this planets comes to its natal position in the horoscope.

Yogas and Doshas in Vedic Astrology