Capricorn Months

Capricorn Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Capricorn zodiac sign is the tenth sign of zodiac. People belonging to Capricorn zodiac sign are strong and yet pretty sensitive, hardworking, and filled with a drive to grow.

Symbol of Capricorn is The Goat.
Sanskrit Name of Capricorn is Makara.
Ruling Planet of Capricorn is Saturn.
Birthstone of Capricorn is Dark Sapphire.
Lucky color of Capricorn is Brown, Black, Grey, Silver, Steel.
Element of Capricorn is Earth.

Capricorn Months Dates Range

Capricorn months dates ranges in 2 different months December and January and more precisely Capricorn months dates are 22 December - 19 January. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Capricorn

Capricorn December month date range: from 22 December to 31 December.
Capricorn January month date range: from 1 January - 19 January.

Zodiac Capricorn Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

One of the amazing things about the Capricorn is that they are very calm under any type of situation. Whether it be their work or their personal matters and they must be having a crazy time often associated with pain and grief but they will pull a straight face and move ahead and continue with whatever they are supposed to. Thus, they can seldom become a liability on others rather they are always useful for any occasion and also highly productive. They are always up for their responsibilities and will never come up with an excuse. The concentration and focus level they possess is insurmountable. They are highly practical and realistic in life and therefore they will always know what is important and what is not and that what needs to be done for smooth transaction of events. Being this realistic person they will always have a goal set in their life that is big but not possible. Yes, we do say that there is nothing is impossible but Capricorn being practical and real and will have goals that are realistic and they leave no stone unturned to achieve them.

Since they are practical in life, it is also said that they are safe and secure and would not be thrilled to take a risk on anything for they like the things just as they are. They have plans for short and long term future and most often than not they stick to them. Many like this thing about them that they are pretty organized and are hard worker in any given situation. Some might even call them as heartless person or calculative person. However, they are humans after all and even though they might not be vocal about their emotions or wearing their hearts on the sleeves, they do have a softer side. Rarely will another person see him over joyed or crying because they like to be in charge of the situation and that they are efficient and composed but even for them sometime all hell can go loose. Capricorns are aware of their weaknesses and thus, they remain and calm and composed to overcome them.

They prefer to be seen as someone who is strong and not fragile and that is one of the reasons why they are not emotional. Capricorn are strong willed and ambitious and jobs in public eye are best suited for them. They keep themselves updated by the latest news and current affairs so that they are left behind for they need to see themselves on par with others in terms of intelligence and wisdom. The only thing that they need to see is that it is alright to let it out and talk about how they feel. This is important or else they will turn into a stone. From outside they might seem very confident but they are their own biggest critics and it is advised to clear that out first.


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