Leo Months

Leo Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Leo zodiac sign is the fifth sign of zodiac. People belonging to Leo zodiac sign are warm, safe, and loyal people and they can always be relied upon.

Symbol of Leo is Lion.
Sanskrit Name of Leo is Simha.
Ruling Planet of Leo is Sun.
Birthstone of Leo is Sardonyx, Diamond, Amber and Ruby.
Lucky color of Leo is Gold, Orange White and Red.
Element of Leo is Fire.

Leo Months Dates Range

Leo months dates ranges in 2 different months July and August and more precisely Leo months dates are 23 July - 22 August. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Leo

Leo July month date range: from 23 July to 31 July.
Leo August month date range: from 1 August - 22 August.

Zodiac Leo Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

The sign Leo is the most masculine sign of the 12 signs in the zodiac, people bearing this sign are pretty leader like and strong headed. When an outsider looks at a Leo person one can clearly see the power and majesty. They constantly like being on top of the hierarchy both at home and at work and they also show great prowess in whatever they are doing. They like to be in control and of decision making body and are not afraid of admitting that they like to be in the limelight.

Given their charming and authoritative personality they are best in organizing events at a larger scale. They are very creative also and smart and know how to work things around them. This means they are excellent in delegating work to others without making the other person feel that they are being bossy to them. This is a gift all Leos possess. They are highly sociable and like people to be around them. This way they not only get to help others but also make them feel his or importance. They are cunning but this is just natural to them and thus one should not think of them otherwise. The natural elegance and poise that they exhibit is something no other sign has.

However, one should also be careful because with the great things that comes along; there will also be some drawbacks to it. Well, some of the amazing things that are there make nice personality for Leo. They become very much people’s person and also develop a big heart and thus are very generous to friends and also to strangers. They always have a back-up plan for every endeavour and they also have a good sense of fairness which means that they will become a person of integrity. Although they are aware of the harsh realities in life they still like to believe in good things that exist in the world. This idealist people also won’t hesitate if they have to sacrifice themselves for a good cause. They are an example to the rest when it comes to dedication and hard work especially if there is a job assigned to them. Like the head of the family they are the ones to show right path and to teach others about taking up responsibility. This was on the high side, but on the downside there are a few things Leo needs to be aware of too.

They can be a bit of limelight hogging type of person, always wanting to be in the centre of attraction. The attention seeking attitude can also sometimes make them a bit dominating type. They also become a tad bit more dramatic in case they feel that their authority is questioned or if their leadership is not being appreciated. Hence, sometimes they might feel that social status is everything to them. They yearn for power and although bestowed with all the good qualities they might sometimes manipulate people to get grab the power.


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