Taurus Months

Taurus Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Taurus zodiac sign is the second sign of zodiac. People belonging to Taurus zodiac sign are one of the most loyal and stable person, you'll ever come across.

Symbol of Taurus is Bull.
Sanskrit Name of Taurus is Rishabha.
Ruling Planet of Taurus is Venus.
Birthstone of Taurus is Turquoise.
Lucky color of Taurus is Blue and Bluish Green.
Element of Taurus is Earth.

Taurus Months Dates Range

Taurus months dates ranges in 2 different months April and May and more precisely Taurus months dates are 21 April - 21 May. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Taurus

Taurus April month date range: from 21 April to 30 April.
Taurus May month date range: from 1 May - 20 May.

Zodiac Taurus Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

Taurus people are driven by their desires and high aim that they have for themselves but they also look out for stability and permanence. This makes them more grounded and they tend to be focussing in their relationships and career as they focus in the immediate things that see rather than making future plans for something new in any area. Taurus also makes them fierce in protecting the things that are closer to him or her. They also become optimistic about their emotions and materialistic needs which also means that they not fond of new things and wants things to be traditional and conservative. They will stick to their old friends and avoid new friendly circles.

Taurus has a distinct line between what is good and is bad or right or wrong. Their emotions are also all attached the old conventional ways of life. However this also makes them listen to only their opinions as they are blinded by what they want and believe in and mind and if a modern or unconventional opinion is given then it might not be taken well by them. The sense of positivity about the things that they already have also seems to have a good influence on others.

But what we must all know is that our lives if is under some kind of influence they will always have both positive and negative effects and the best part is we’ve got to live with that. To start with the positive things that might happen we can see that a Taurian will be so organised in life and full control over their emotions thereby they are pretty careful about hurting other people’s feelings especially of loved ones. They will take one step at a time and move onto next one only if they are satisfied completing the current one. They also tend to make wise decisions most of the time and think hard before jumping into anything.

What the other people in their lives might think is that they have a very routined life with no adventure. Change is something they tend to avoid and although this might be safe and good for them this might be boring and monotonous for those around them. And if someone tries talking to them about this problem then they might just get offended since they are possessive about relationships, things and even their opinions and beliefs. Hence, friends and family must be very careful about what they might say in front of a Taurus as they can be bad mouthed in front of their eyes, they hardly forget and forgive. Thus, people might think of them as self-centred and hard to approach. However, with proper guidance from the horoscope geniuses, they can balance their negative aspects with the positive aspects when under the influence. This way the positives will win over other’s hearts and that’s also good for Taurian themselves.


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