Scorpio Months

Scorpio Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Scorpio zodiac sign is the eighth sign of zodiac. People belonging to Scorpio zodiac sign are highly intuitive and take decisions based on their gut feeling.

Symbol of Scorpio is Scorpion.
Sanskrit Name of Scorpio is Vrishchika.
Ruling Planet of Scorpio is Mars and Pluto.
Birthstone of Scorpio is Bloodstone.
Lucky color of Scorpio is Scarlet, Red, Rust.
Element of Scorpio is Water.

Scorpio Months Dates Range

Scorpio months dates ranges in 2 different months October and November and more precisely Scorpio months dates are 23 October - 21 November. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Scorpio

Scorpio October month date range: from 23 October to 31 October.
Scorpio November month date range: from 1 November - 21 November.

Zodiac Scorpio Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

Individuals who have zodiac sigh in Scorpio are usually very mysterious and emotionally intense. They have an aura of secrecy surrounding them which sometimes makes it very difficult to understand them. On one hand where it is difficult to understand them, they have a strange ability to decipher the emotional state of others. In simple words they have the ability to easily understand others. They can see through people’s feelings and emotions. This ability makes them more intriguing as people are curious to know where they get this ability from. These people get easily bored with monotony and are always looking for change and excitement. They hate doing the same thing over and over again and always look for things that are interesting and challenging. They love drama, emotions, and all sorts of ups and downs in life as it constantly provides them a challenge to move forward in life. They are very dedicated and committed and when it comes to fulfilling their dreams and aspirations they give their hundred percent. They also equally value relationships in life and ensure that the near, dear and loved ones are always taken care of. When they give hundred percent to something they also expect the same from others as well.

When they get in relationships with others they ensure that it is something serious and not just a time pass. Relationships for them needs to be meaningful, long term and serious which they can depend upon. They are not the ones to waste their time on meaningless relationships. They have a very dynamic and attractive personality which makes them likeable and approachable by all. They are ever ready to make adjustments and changes in life. These individuals also possess a gift of intuition and strive hard to control their emotions. They also have unusual interest like occult and are very creative and imaginative. They make their own rules and regulations and do not necessarily abide by the rules and regulations of the society.

Some of the positive qualities of individuals with Scorpio sign are that they are sensitive, creative, imaginative, caring and determined. They understand the feelings and emotions of others and react accordingly. They always keep themselves abreast with the changing times and never complain. They are positive, optimistic and dedicated. They are also very loyal and committed to whatever they put their head and heart to. So whether it is relationships or profession, they always give their hundred percent. They are passionate and fearless and not scared of following their heart. They will do what they want to do, whether it is accepted by the society or not. Along with positives they also have some negatives like they can be extremely secretive in nature. It is very difficult for people to understand them. They are always very suspicious and never fully trust others. It is very difficult for them to open up to people and they will always keep some or the other secret with themselves. They can also be possessive, jealous, stubborn and adverse to criticism.


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