Gemini Months

Gemini Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Gemini zodiac sign is the third sign of zodiac. People belonging to Gemini zodiac sign have ability to understand and reflect on situations intellectually.

Symbol of Gemini is Twins.
Sanskrit Name of Gemini is Mithuna.
Ruling Planet of Gemini is Mercury.
Birthstone of Gemini is Topaz, Emerald and Agate.
Lucky color of Gemini is Orange, Lemon and Yellow.
Element of Gemini is Air.

Gemini Months Dates Range

Gemini months dates ranges in 2 different months May and June and more precisely Gemini months dates are 22 May - 21 June. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Gemini

Gemini May month date range: from 21 May to 31 May.
Gemini June month date range: from 1 June - 20 June.

Zodiac Gemini Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

There are many things in our horoscope that tends to effect on present and future too. Horoscope reading is becoming day by day complicated and looks like some of the aspects are not even easy to understand. However, the thing is that no matter how complicated and uninteresting it might be, we may still have to give a look at it. And the irony is we do look at it because secretly no matter how much we ignore it we do want to know how we can do better. So, astrology surprisingly it seems to have a huge impact on our lives. Gemini being one of the unique signs in the zodiac signs, like to have a distinct characteristics too.

Apparently Gemini is witty and spontaneous, they become very intelligent and they apply their intelligence as fast as possible. This quality makes them charming. They know that they are witty than others and therefore they are confident and also fun. However, it is to be remembered that they can also be very unpredictable and it is best suggested to friends and family to be cautious.

In the career front Geminis do very well since no matter how much they get from their existing job or new tasks for a new one, they do it brilliantly well. They successfully finish all the tasks all at the same time making the boss happy and assuring a promotion for themselves. Along with the wit that they possess they seem to have a very captivating conversations and the opposite sex seems to fall for their charm. Their attitude allows them to bring newness to their work as they loathe monotonous routine work. This very thing is what makes them creative, talented and sociable. They have lots of friends and it is always easy for them to find that one person to whom they can open up and share their feelings to. Take them anywhere they will like to adapt to new situations easily.

However on the down side we must see that their disliking towards the routined work makes them very restless and whether work or home, they might face problem with building a good strong stable relationship. Apart from that they also are spontaneous and mostly works on impulse, this is not good all the time. There are times and situations when one needs to give more than a little thought to in order to avoid any kind of blunders. The spur of the moment may lead to bitter fights with someone special or someone important at work. It is advised to them that a little bit of heed paid to the feelings will always be better. Talking about feelings, they lack building that emotional bond with their partners and they expect that intellectual bond too between them which is not a necessity except for them. Being over focussed on emotional bonds makes them nervous and therefore they avoid any kind of such trivia.


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