Virgo Months

Virgo Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Virgo zodiac sign is the sixth sign of zodiac. People belonging to Virgo zodiac sign like to have organized approach towards life and a great sense of value for good principles and truth.

Symbol of Virgo is The Virgin.
Sanskrit Name of Virgo is Kanya.
Ruling Planet of Virgo is Mercury.
Birthstone of Virgo is Topaz.
Lucky color of Virgo is Orange, White, Grey, Yellow and Mushroom.
Element of Virgo is Earth.

Virgo Months Dates Range

Virgo months dates ranges in 2 different months August and September and more precisely Virgo months dates are 23 August - 22 September. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Virgo

Virgo August month date range: from 23 August to 31 August.
Virgo September month date range: from 1 September - 22 September.

Zodiac Virgo Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

Virgo people are much organised and are also often called as the sign of purity. They can smell the things that are good and bad and most of the time they are full frontal about their opinions about things that they are bad. They might seem pretty discriminating. Such good and bad qualities might only accelerate.

the Virgo are simple people with less desire, someone who wants to live a quiet and low life. They like to stay as much possible away from the attention for they believe that would only bring trouble into their lives. This makes them to find happiness in smaller things in life and are pretty much content in life with what they have. Having understood the bright and dark side of things in life they ensure they take their loved ones so that everyone around them also gets a hold of themselves. Thus they tend to be very helpful in nature.

They are as mentioned earlier organised and can become even more so. They have a fixed routine and they have to follow such routine and if they miss it then it almost makes them sad or depressed. They might act a little weird and are not their usual self.

Their life is organized and wants everything around them to be systematic and if things are not as per they are supposed to then tend to complain a lot. Be fussy about such things that they don’t like. Therefore it is often seen that Virgo work best in jobs where a lot of micromanagement is required and they not only do well but flourish in such things. Now when told that Virgo people are organized and have a particular routine in day to day life, this means that they are not comfortable in building new relationship or welcoming a new person into their comfortable circle of friends or family.

It is also seen that Virgo people are quite a counsellor; they are giving good advices to people after listening to their problems. However this valuable piece of advice is only for those who are in their good books. They are also very practical and are good in situations when it is time to make wise decisions, especially during the time of crisis. Yet they live a very low life and sometimes they might be called as someone with a low self-esteem. Since they also don’t like changes in their comfort zone and when there is a change they are a little stressed. Sometimes they also think of themselves too lowly however might not show it to others. On the other hand they can be also very critical of others. Such attributes in them can bring some kind of drift in the bond that they share with their partners.


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