Libra Months

Libra Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Libra zodiac sign is the seventh sign of zodiac. People belonging to Libra zodiac sign can be great leaders and have ability to take right decisions.

Symbol of Libra is The Scales.
Sanskrit Name of Libra is Tula.
Ruling Planet of Libra is Venus.
Birthstone of Libra is Sapphire and Turquoise.
Lucky color of Libra is Blue and Green.
Element of Libra is Air.

Libra Months Dates Range

Libra months dates ranges in 2 different months September and October and more precisely Libra months dates are 23 September - 22 October. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Libra

Libra September month date range: from 23 September to 31 September.
Libra October month date range: from 1 October - 22 October.

Zodiac Libra Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

Out of all the zodiac signs that are there, the most peaceful is the Libra and not just that they are also called the peacemaker for they have been one of those who likes to resolve a conflict among friends or enemies. Personally they are the people who have achieved that perfect harmony with the right attitude and right amount of excitement. They are happy and content in life and are at peace with themselves. However having said that it is also true when someone calls them very tactful, they have a knack for diplomacy and this is the reason why they are friends with almost everybody. They have very less enemies and might not have everybody lying next to them but they do have friends who care for them.

As they are people who talk to all they are good listeners to understand what the every party has to say. This also makes other feel that they listen to them without judging them, since what happens is that we all judge all. Then after listening they give their best suggestions if they want to and they do this in the most effective manner that they are remembered as one who helped them when needed. They just love it because this also helps them build that intellectual rapport with the people that they dealt with. To add, they are also very charming and attractive in whatever they do which also kind of makes them look approachable. Thus, attributes like this make them very popular among friends and although they might not have really close friends, they will always have someone to help them in times of need.

Since they are good with others, they also know how to and when to take help from friends and even acquaintances. They have strong and clear goals in life whether professionally or personally and with the support of people around them who like them they somehow or the other achieve their goals.

The way they lead their lives often becomes an inspiration for others. Especially for those who are close to them. They likely to be charming, friendly and attractive and therefore they have no problem making friends. They are also people who are keen in looking into details in their projects and therefore they can be excellent in organizing an event, plotting plans or strategies. The down side is that people might find them to be too flirtatious in nature or someone with loose character, especially this can be more for female Librans. Though they make friends easily it might be a little tough for them to decide who their good friends are. Thus, they will take time for this and thus might look like a little fickle minded. They are also naggers and complainers of the flaws that they find in their personal relationships and they will always talk about it unless it is fixed. They need to be careful since this behavior can make their relationships go from bad to worse.


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